Friday, September 7, 2018

The Oxford Blockchain Strategy Programme

Braeden Anderson is a lawyer and financial technology expert who currently serves on the advisory board for cryptocurrency and blockchain at AltCourt.Org. Prior to obtaining his current position, Braeden Anderson attended California State University and Seton Hall University’s School of Law. Moreover, Mr. Anderson will enroll in the Blockchain Strategy Programme at the Said Business School.

A college within the University of Oxford, the Said Business School was founded in 1996 and currently offers over 30 different business programs. Over the course of six weeks, students in the Blockchain Strategy Programme participate in flexible learning modules that provide a comprehensive understanding of blockchain and how it works. Moreover, enrollees learn to apply the Oxford Blockchain Strategic framework and Oxford Blockchain Regulation framework to strategic decision making upon graduation.

The program also connects participants with an international network of experts and innovators. Upon graduation, students receive a formal certificate from the Said Business School. For additional information on the Oxford Blockchain Strategy Programme, visit

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